Saturday, December 29, 2007

Check out my mad parenting skillz

Grandma got me a doll right before my birthday. I LOVE MY BABY DOLLY! It is one of the first things I identified by name. I give it hugs and feed it brush its non-existent hair and parently things like that. I even have two now so one can stay at Grandma's and one can live with us here.

Mommy finally took some pictures of me with Baby Dolly, although sadly I didn't pose mid-hug. I did, however, test out my new Homer Simpson move.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Cow says MOO

I went to the farm today with mommy and grandma. We saw cows (even one being milked!), peacocks, chickens, roosters, a few huge smelly pigs, horses, and sheep that wanted to eat my mittens. It was chilly out so grandma made sure I was bundled in 167 layers.

And yesterday mommy got lazy after my last messy diaper change of the night and put me in my Very Sophisticated sock monkey robe instead of putting real clothes back on. And then she gave me a piece of toast that I heartily enjoyed.

In other news, my future wife was born last week! Her name is Josephine and she lives in Australia. One day we'll meet, but for now, I'll let her concentrate on just getting her eyes to work properly. Welcome to the world, Josephine!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Daddy's math is wrong

He says mommy hasn't posted here in a month, which is patently untrue. It's only been three weeks! Okay, maybe a little more than three weeks but sheesh, daddy, cut her some slack!

Anyway, here are some pictures from Thanksgiving and Hanukkah.

For Thanksgiving dinner, we went to cousin Lauren and Jonathan's house. I enjoyed sampling everything on the menu, especially Lauren's delicious butternut squash soup and sausage stuffing. I wore a special handmade turkey shirt, too, courtesy of Mom's crafty friend Heather.

Then for Hanukkah, we had a major Latkepalooza festival at Grandma and Grandpa's last Sunday. All the cousins were there and we got presents and ate lots and lots and lots of latkes. Well, I only had one, but I did see mommy eat at least three. :) And last week we lit the first candle on my cool train menorah that Peggy and Don got me. I was really, really tired and a little cranky, especially when I realized I wasn't allowed to touch that pretty, pretty flame! We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house again tonight for more presents (yay!) and to light the candles. I was sad that there were no more latkes, though. And also tired again. Watching candles light up is hard work!

To top it all off are some fun bath pictures from tonight. Hope everyone is having a good holiday season!