Thursday, January 17, 2008

Two, two, two birthdays in one!

On Sunday, we went to grandma and grandpa's house to celebrate Zaide's NINETY FOURTH BIRTHDAY! That's, like, NINETY THREE years older than I am! Anyway, it was a wonderful party. I got to see cousin Brandon and also meet new cousin Tyler, who is so small I almost tried to eat him. Tyler is one seriously cute kid, with as much hair as his dad, which says a lot when your dad has a lot of hair (i.e. not like mine). :)

My new thing is walking around with items in my mouth. Mostly socks. I like how they feel on my teeth. But also cookies. This makes mommy worried I'm going to choke, so she tries to get me to sit down to eat, but that's for BABIES.

Then yesterday night after dinner mommy and daddy gave me my very own Cookie Monster cupcake to celebrate my turning 15 months old. I didn't even leave the thing on my tray long enough for mommy to get a cute picture, I just grabbed it stuffed it in my mouth so I could suck off all the frosting. Mmm, blue sprinkles. Mmm, chocolate fudge smile. So tasty. I love cake.

Another new development, as of yesterday, is that I am now sleeping at least the first half of the night on a big-boy bed, aka an air mattress on the floor in mommy and daddy's room. I used to get put in the evil horrible crib after I fell asleep at night, but kept waking up really mad (I mean, hello, I am used to the plush styling of the queen-size Kingsdown pillowtop) and mommy and daddy can't spend their whole night hanging out in the bedroom to make sure I don't roll off the bed. So, we're trying this. So far the experiment is working! Eventually we'll move the air mattress into my room and maybe at some point I'll spend the whole night there—only when I know mommy is ready, of course. ;)

Anyway, here are some pictures of my recent shenanigans!


Blogger Heather said...

Tyler loved meeting Adrian! He looks forward to play dates down the road when he can hold his head up and share toys with him :)

Happy 15 month birthday Adrian!

9:32 AM  
Blogger Milo said...

Dude, running with stuff in your mouth is awesome! I prefer drumsticks to socks, which freaks out my parents, for some stupid reason. Whatever. Anyway, maybe my desire to run with drumsticks in my mouth is a reflection of the poor judgment which makes my parents doubt my ability to sleep in a big boy bed, like you.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Eileen said...

Love the pic with the cupcake smeared all over his face. I'd love to do that but instead of cute, everyone would think I was nuts. Enjoy being 15/16 months old. Love.....Eileen

2:26 PM  

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