Wednesday, November 14, 2007

where "Cheerio" has new meaning

Hello chaps! I returned Monday night from my first transatlantic trip and according to mommy, I was a very good boy the entire time. I slept well and was delightful on both flights and I was sociable and friendly with my grandparents and great aunts and uncle and just about anyone else who cared to cast a glance in my direction!

We did a lot of eating, and I am now very fond of sausages and Yorkshire pudding and also fried bread. Those British people know what's really good, don't they!

Anyway, mommy is still quite tired (especially as she has come down with the cold I had last week) so she's just going to post some pictures from the trip now. I hope you like them.

On the plane, just before having a very tasty croissant:

Saying hello to granddad:

Visiting granddad's sister, my lovely great aunt June, in Shaftesbury. I had my first proper fish and chips meal there!

After dinner in a pub with gran and granddad:

With great aunt Freda (another sister of granddad's) and great uncle Pat in Portland (I was tired):

After lunch (roast lamb! homemade mash!) in Portland:

Mommy and daddy tried to get me to take a much-needed nap after lunch by going for a walk with me, but I didn't close my eyes at all! So they put me on this swing:

I was really, really overtired:

FINALLY, I fell asleep:

After visiting my gran and granddad for a few days, we drove to Brighton to visit friends Becky and Jeremy. And also this furry fellow who appeared to be waiting for a bus:

While we were in Brighton, more friends drove in to see us! These friendly folks are Michelle and Andy. Michelle grew up in the same town as mommy, and her husband, Andy, is British just like daddy. He let me sit on his shoulders and drool all over his head!

Then we went for a photo shoot on the beach:

I hope we get to go back soon!