Sunday, July 01, 2007

Baby's First Burger

Saturday was quite the day for me! It started with breakfast where mommy shared her pancakes with me. They were delicious and I gobbled up nearly an entire pancake in very tiny little pieces.

Then in the afternoon, we went to New York City to meet a friend of mommy's. This friend is also named Amanda and she has a son just a couple of months older than me. His name is Sam and he makes the silliest faces! We had a late lunch at a place called Shake Shack and mommy ordered me my very own burger, once again eaten in very tiny little pieces (although mommy helped a lot with it). I wore my special hamburger bib for the occasion. I also tried to drink some of daddy's shake, but he'd finished it all before I figured out how to work the straw. Oh well. Maybe next time.

Mommy says she has memories of the Shake Shack, of many a lunch hour (or two) spent waiting on the seemingly never-ending line when she was pregnant with me because She Just Had to Have a Burger, Impatient Bladder Be Damned. So it was a very special day all around.

And of course, here are the pictures.


Blogger Milo said...

Wow - a burger! I vaguely remember my mommy eating burgers while I was still on the inside. Those were the days. Now, she feeds me something called veggie burgers; I really like them, but I don't think they're the same thing I used to get.

10:50 AM  

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